 Hello!... Wellcome to my web-site.This is me, Lokman Kızılorenli. I was born in one of the most beautiful cities of Turkey, in Kars which is in the norteastern Turkey. I am married and have two lovely daughters. Both my wife and I are working as teachers of English at Kars Anadolu Lisesi. I have been working as a teacher of English for ten years since I graduated from university. I love my job very much and enjoy teaching English. I am giving courses between pre-intermediate and advanced levels. I have written three books in English up to now and two of them have already been published by Yaprak Kitabevi in samsun, of which address is Saadet Caddesi 110/B SAMSUN... My first book is about AFFIXES in which I examined the mostly used PREFIXES-STEMS and SUFFIXES. In this book we worked on the roots of the affixes(if they are English, Latin or Greek), on their lexical meanins and on their structures ( if they are changing the words into nouns, adjectives or adverbs).We wrote a book about affixes because we wanted to give some clues to the students so as to guess the meaning of the words, and the name of our first book is " WORD POWER ". After the Word Power, my wife and I wrote another book for the students who are attending the preparation classes of the different schools. The book is about a Caucasian hero and its name is "Sheyh Shamil".It was also published by Yaprak Kitabevi.
This site is for teachers of English who are teaching English between pre-intermediate and advanced levels.So the site will directly be related to the teachers of English. Language is something that has been a part of our lives for so long that is difficult to imagine being without language ability. Language is not a thing of dead bricks and like a house, nor a simple organism like a tree. A house can decay and a tree can die, but when a language seems to die ( as Latin may be said to have died ) it has really undergone great change.Change implies time, and time suggests history, and so the term "language" should really mean: a system of sounds made by the vocal organs of a particular group of people, possessing meaning for that group of people, and existing, continuously for a given period of history. Language exists to communicate ideas. So the most important idea here is to teach the students how they will use English ( as a foreign language )to communicate. Everything that you are teaching to your students are important. So the students have to learn and study what a language is made up of. Most languages as English are made up of small units which can be combined in a variety of ways. Each language have rules that limit how these units can be combined. This is called structure. Simple words and sounds are combined according to rules to make up more common complex sounds. the rules determine such things as what is a word,and what is not a word,as well as what new words are possible. Languages, of course, have rules or structures and this is what we call " SYNTAX ". Languages combine small units into more complex units and this is what we call " PHONEMES and MORPHEMES ". Some units or combinations have meanings and others do not. Words are not a part of language unless they have meaning and this is what we call " SEMANTICS ".