Since a paragraph develops only one idea, the topics being developed have been quite limited. Often, however, topics are too complex or too broad to be developed in a single paragraph.In this case, it is necessary to write an ESSAY. An essay is a group of paragraphs that develops one central idea. How are the paragraphs organized in an essay? How many paragraphs are there in an essay? How does an essay begin and end? These are the questions to be answered.Unlike the paragraph, the essay is a more formal composition. The paragraphs in an essa each have designated function.
INTRODUCTION: The introduction is usually one paragraph( sometimes two or more)that introduces the topic to be discussed and the central idea(the thesis statement) of the essay.
DEVELOPMENTAL PARAGRAPHS: These paragraphs develop various aspects of the topic and central idea. They may discuss causes, effects, reasons, examples, process, classifications, or points of comparison and contrast. they may also describe or narrate.
This paragraph concludes the thought developed in the essay. It is the closing word. |
How many paragraphs does an essay contain?
How many paragraphs an essay contains depends entirely on the complexity of the topic;some essays have only two or three paragraphs, while others may have twenty or thirty. However, for most purposes, the essays written in classroom for most college freshman English courses contain four or six paragraphs, with the most common number being five, one introductory paragrap, three developmental paragraphs and one concluding paragraph. |