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What is a sentence?
The sentence is a group of words that makes a complete thouht. It has two essential elements, a subject and a predicate. The subject is the part that tells what the sentence is about. The predicate is the part that tells what the subject does, or tells something about the subject. In order to be complete; a sentence must have both a subject and a predicate; if one of these parts is missing, the group of words is called a fragment. The subject is a noun or a pronoun, and the predicate is a verb. The noun or pronoun is called the simple subject, and the verb is called the simple predicate. the complete subject consists of the simple subject and all its modifiers. The complete predicate consists of the simple predicate and all its components and modifiers. Although the meaning of the sentence lies in its principal elements, the subject and the verb, the correct expression of the meaning depends upon the relationship of the sentence elements and their modifiers. the simplest type of a modifier is a single word that describes or limits the meaning of another word. For example, adjectives modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Lokman Kizilörenli
In order to convey your meaning exactly, you must know how to put the parts together so that your statement have unity, coherence, emphasis, and variety. In order to make your statements effective, you must make skillful use os subordination, parellism, and comparisons. In order to make your communications convincing, you must maintain the logical and grammatical viewpoint. In short, you must add to your knowledge of your grammar a knowledge of the principles of sentence structure, and you must use those principles to improve your communications.
  Sentence structure deals with the arrangement of the parts of sentences so that the grammatical relationships of those parts correspond with the logical relationships of the ideas or thoughts which the sentences express.

Sentences are classified in two ways; according to purpose, and according to form.

Principles of Sentence Structure

1- Avoid sentence fragments. Give each of your sentences a subject and a verb and let it express a complete thought.
2- Avoid the run-on sentence and the comma fault.
3- Make verbs agree with their subjects in person and in manner.
4- Mmake pronouns agree with their antecedents in person, number, and in gender.
5- Place modifiers as near as possible to the words they modify.
6- Avoid split constructions, including split infinitives.
7- When you use a participal phrase at the beginning of a sentence, make it modify the suıbject oof the sentence.
8- Avoid dangling modifiers. Give every modifier something to modify.
9- Use parallel structure for parallel ideas.
10- Place subordinate ideas in subordinate constructions. /
11-Make your comparisons logical, complete, and grammatically correct.
12- Give your sentences variety by the use of different types and lengths of sentences, sentence elements, and beginnings.
13- Give your sentences unity and coherence by avoiding shifts from one construction to another.
14- Give your sentences emphasis by the use of strong constructions, effective arrangements, and transitional devices.